
Your character is neither hero nor villain, just someone trying to understand what is going on around them.

The Game

Glix is a 2.5D puzzle platformer game that will be released for computers and consoles.

What I Do

  1. Shaping Game Balance and User Motivations:

    • I have a deep understanding of gameplay mechanics and player psychology, allowing me to fine-tune game balance for a satisfying and challenging experience.
    • I employ various techniques to motivate and engage players, such as rewards, progression systems, and dynamic difficulty adjustments.
  2. Game Features and Optimizing Gameplay at Scale:

    • I specialize in identifying and implementing innovative game features that enhance gameplay and cater to player preferences.
    • I work on optimizing and refining gameplay for different platforms and audiences, ensuring consistent quality and performance.
  3. Story Development and Environmental Storytelling Design:

    • I excel at crafting compelling narratives and world-building that immerse players in the game's universe.
    • My expertise in environmental storytelling design allows for a seamless integration of lore and storytelling within the game's environment.
  4. Level Design & Creating Mockups:

    • I create meticulously designed game levels that challenge players while maintaining a coherent and engaging experience.
    • I use mockups to visualize and iterate on level design, ensuring it aligns with the game's overall vision.
  5. Preparing GDD and Concept Design Briefs:

    • I am proficient in developing comprehensive Game Design Documents (GDD) that serve as a roadmap for the entire development team.
    • I create detailed Concept Design Briefs to communicate the game's vision, mechanics, and aesthetics to the team effectively.
  6. Being the Point of Contact and Process Leader:

    • I act as the central communication point between the Art and Development Departments, ensuring everyone is aligned with the project's goals.
    • As a process leader, I facilitate collaboration, streamline workflows, and maintain project timelines to achieve successful game development.